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A back to school note from co-founder, John Engle

  September 2, 2014 Friends, It’s September: More than 1,100 children are filling our partner school and Children’s Academy classrooms. Our 47 Micah Scholars are beginning a new year of seminary courses. Back in 1991, I first moved to Haiti as a two-year commitment with a small nonprofit. The experience transformed me. I discovered deep […]

Christianity Today article by co-director Kent Annan

Ryan Pierse/Getty July 1, 2014 “…each day our pilgrimage brings dirtying stumbles, and, yes, each day death steps closer. But the beautiful, ridiculous grace is this: life abundant steps closer too.” In the latest issue of Christianity Today Co-Director Kent Annan reflects on his Tough Mudder experience.   Read here:

Sean Penn sees reason for optimism in Haiti’s recovery

June 23, 2014 In this Wall Street Joural opinion piece, Sean Penn – founder of J/P HRO, a relief organization that we have worked closely with since the earthquake – makes the case for, contrary to popular opinion, how Haiti has actually made great progress since the earthquake, and why Haiti’s supporters should continue to […]

Schools program update

Celebrating with our partners the inauguration of the HAJICA poultry farm social business June 19, 2014 The 2013-14 fiscal year has been a very productive one for the Haiti Partners Schools program.  We are pleased with the partnerships we have developed, the direction which the program has taken, and the impact we’re having in Baocia […]

Thank you Miranda and have a great time!

May 23, 2014 Erik Badger At Haiti Partners, we just love Miranda Ash. I had the good fortune to be in Haiti when she and her wonderful colleagues from WorldBlu, Traci and Sam, visited in 2011. Despite a busy schedule, and all the challenges that a first visit to Haiti inevitably involves, she was enthusiastic, […]

“This is my body, broken for you”

April 18, 2014 This Good Friday, we remember one of Kent’s reflections from the months right after the January 2010 earthquake.  I arrive fifteen minutes into the church service—late in one obvious sense, but I had been there an hour earlier too when nobody had arrived yet, so to my credit, I’d been both early […]

Haiti Partners makes WorldBlu Most Democratic Workplace list for 5th year!

April 8, 2014 Haiti Partners is honored to be included on the WorldBlu Most Democratic Workplaces list 2014. WorldBlu is committed to spreading freedom-centered leadership and democratic practice in workplaces across the globe. To learn more about this great organization, visit the WorldBlu website here.

Four Years Later…

January 12, 2014 Today marks the 4th anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. The losses, especially of loved ones, continue indeed to be painful. Yet we’re also inspired by so many Haitians who continue to side with hope. Thank you for continuing to side with hope too. In this video, our Haiti Partners’ Wozo Choir sings […]