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New Project Pages Promote Transparency

April 30, 2012 Erik Badger We’re pleased to announce two new project pages here at the Capacity Building3 and Social Enterprise for Quality Education pages.  These pages consolidate all significant proposals, reports, media and updates from these two projects and make them easily accessible to the public. Though we do not expect all of our […]

GRAMEEN FOUNDER, Muhammad Yunus in Haiti

October 14, 2011 Nine of my close colleagues and I (John Engle) drew inspiration from Muhammad Yunus today. Hats off to Grameen Creative Lab for organizing this conference of thought leaders, entrepreneurs (all ages) and many like my colleagues and I who are committed to social business. It was wonderful to see the two young […]

Philippe Lagrenade Joins GCLH and HP

September 3, 2011 We welcome Philippe Lagrenade to our team! We’re excited about helping more Haitian children have access to quality education thanks to our partnership with GCLH (Grameen Creative Lab Haiti) Philippe has extensive experience in helping groups start businesses in Haiti and in consulting small businesses. Thanks to a grant from Vista Hermosa […]

Social Business Expert to Help Partner Schools

August 4, 2011 Thanks to our partnership with Grameen Creative Lab and to another grant from Vista Hermosa Foundation we have hired a Haitian expert who will work full-time to help our partner schools create social businesses. The purpose of this is two-fold. First, it’s a revenue source. Haitian schools rarely have adequate funds to […]

Grameen Social Business Lab

May 21, 2011 My co-workers and I are thrilled to be affiliated with Grameen Creative Lab. The Social Business Lab that their Haiti and Germany-based staff organized yesterday at Karibe Convention Center brought together extremely interesting people who are working on interesting things. Please stay posted. Haiti Partners is committed to social business which can […]

Children’s Academy Community Meeting

May 9, 2011 Yesterday afternoon we had another Children’s Academy community meeting. There were more than 30 children and adults that attended and a core group of a dozen that were there for the entire meeting of nearly 2 and a half hours. The focus of this meeting was two-fold: Discuss possible income generating activities […]

Reports on Major Grants

April 10, 2011 Haiti Partners has the privilege of working with Vista Hermosa Foundation, which is making possible through significant grants, two important Haiti Partners projects: Capacity Building 3 and Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education. We invite you to review our two-year and 18 month reports, respectively, for these projects. Click here for Capacity […]

Film About Community Enterprise for Education

April 4, 2011 My colleagues and I (John Engle) are delighted to share a film that we’ve (we includes the amazing Luke Renner and Sylove with Fireside International along with others involved) created about a wonderful Haitian success story of communities creating income generating activities to pay teachers’ salaries to educate the children in their […]

Thank you Saje Foundation!

March 28, 2011 Co-workers and I (John Engle) want to extend a very special thanks to John McKay and the entire board of Saje Foundation for their generous support in Haiti Partners’ earthquake response. John, we can’t thank you and Saje Foundation enough. Your grant helped in the construction and operating budgets of the schools […]

Facilitators’ Meeting

February 26, 2011 Yesterday our facilitators met for planning and evaluation of the USAID funded Civic Empowerment Project that Haiti Partners is doing. Click here to download report. Click here to learn more about the Civic Empowerment program.